The Shabbat Table- CD Companion to the Bencher- Shulchan Shabbat- English/Transliterated Hebrew
Prayers, Blessings, and Songs for the Sabbath.
Vine of David is pleased to present The Sabbath Table CD Companion to the prayer books representing a key component of faithful Jewish living. The Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel, and the dining table is the hub of Jewish worship.
The Sabbath Table is offered in two editions; both present Hebrew and English on facing pages, consisting of Sabbath table blessings, songs, providing Messianic Jews, as well as those among the nations who are drawn to Israel’s light, with expressions of praise and prayer deeply rooted in Jewish soil. Exquisitely crafted, comprehensive, and thoroughly Messianic, The Sabbath Table stands proudly next to any comparative resource published in traditional Judaism.
- Blue Cover: Hebrew/English Edition: Hebrew is presented in the Hebrew alphabet and pagination is Right-to-Left.
- Brown Cover: English/Transliterated Hebrew Edtion: Hebrew is presented phonetically in the English alphabet and pagination is Left-to-Right.
We have endeavored to make this prayer book as user-friendly as possible. The resource accomplishes this with extensive commentary, instructions, visual cues, graphics, and other tools to help believers pray with understanding so that they may fully identify with the meaning and intent of each prayer.
Both the Hebrew/English and English/Transliterated Hebrew editions contain the same prayers, blessings, songs, and commentary, as well as short instructional cues and notes on every page that will help readers enjoy the wonderful blessings of the Sabbath prayers.
- The Hebrew/English edition is best for people who can read Hebrew letters like this: שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם.
- The English/Transliterated Hebrew Edition is ideal for people who prefer to read Hebrew using the English alphabet like this: shalom aleichem.