Thinking Hebraically: Uncovering "Nuggets" in the Bible Through A Hebrew Mindset by Alyosha Ryabinov
God is restoring much today. We will be discussing some of those things. Primarily He is restoring the foundation, which is rooted in our forefathers. Isaiah 51:1, 2 says, ―Listen to Me, you who follow after (or pursue) righteousness, you who seek the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were hewn.... Look to Abraham your father and Sarah who bore you.‖ So Abraham and Sarah are the father and mother to whom we are to look. That means, in the Lord we have a father and a mother. Isaiah is speaking to those ―who follow after righteousness.
If you wish to follow after righteousness, that applies to you. The Scriptures say to honor your mother and father so that things will go well for you (Exodus 20:12). Many believers teach about curses passing from generation to generation, even curses from the fathers passing to third and fourth generations. But not many people talk about the blessings of generations, even back to the blessings of the forefathers. My personal story relating to the blessings of the forefathers began in 1998 with a strong desire to begin looking into Hebrew.
I was born Thinking Hebraically and raised in the Soviet Union - primarily a god-less country. Even though I was Jewish, I had no typical Jewish upbringing and was estranged from the tenets of Judaism. I met the Lord shortly after immigrating to USA and from that point on my life took another direction and I found myself on a road to discovery of my Hebraic (Jewish) heritage.
In 1998 I was in Israel for a visit, and I felt the Lord wanted me to buy a Hebrew English Bible and begin to read it. I did not have a lot of knowledge of Hebrew at that time. It took me about three years just to read through the Torah, the first five books of Moses. Then I started to reread it again, and a whole new world began to open up that I had not seen before. Amazing pictures and patterns began to emerge on the pages. I had not seen these reading the Bible in either English or Russian, which is my mother tongue, having been born in Ukraine. Then in 2005 I was in Israel again and at a Messianic service where familiar songs were being sung in three languages; English, Russian and Hebrew. By this time, I understood all three languages. When sung in Russian and English, the songs were very nice and they were special, but when they were sung in Hebrew, I wanted to cry. So I began to wonder, what is it about this Hebrew language that is different from all the other languages? Then the Lord began to explain it to me. He told me, ―It is time for you to understand why it is in your heart to learn the Hebrew language. If you think the reason is so you can read the Scriptures and understand, that is a good reason, but it is not the main reason. One day you will live in Israel, but it is still not the main reason. The main reason is that what has been cut off from your forefathers is being restored to you.
I began to understand that the work of the enemy has been to cut off that which was built by the forefathers but in which we today must learn to stand. The blessings of the forefathers must pass from generation to generation. God wanted to reconnect me to the former generations, all the way back to the forefathers - meaning to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Through them Thinking Hebraically God built a foundation upon which everything else stands. He told me, ―If you do not stand on that foundation, you will not fulfill your purpose and calling.
I offer you these insights with the hope that they will help you to fulfill your own calling in the Lord through His truths